Better late than never! I've decided to join in on the
Sewing Through the Decades fun, a challenge that Sarah from
Rhinestones & Telephones and Debi from
My Happy Sewing Place started way back in January. The idea is to pick patterns from a range of years (whether in consecutive order or across several decades) and sew each one at your own pace with no deadlines to worry about.
While late in the game, I thought it would be a fun project as I get myself back into sewing. And since scheduled sew-alongs don't seem to be my forté this will be a nice no-pressure way of joining in on a community challenge!
...The Challenge...
So, for my
Sewing Through the Decades challenge, I plan to sew the 7 patterns I own from the
Decades of Style Pattern Company. I bought 5 of these at a trunk show in Los Angeles a couple of years ago (can't resist discounted prices!) and am looking forward to finally sewing them up. The 1930s-50s patterns were some of the first patterns I ever bought.
I'm going to use fabric from my stash as much as possible, and because I really haven't had a chance to sew this year there will likely be spring and summer fabrics in the mix (that would probably happen regardless though). I do like the idea of sewing up a collection of company patterns; I liked them enough to buy them so I should like them enough to make them!
Here is my illustrated list of planned projects. As I finish each item I'll come back to this post and link each one below to their respective blog post!
I'm going to try making one of these per month, starting in October. Yeah...we'll see how that goes, it's a goal at least! I do know for a fact I've started prep work on the Siren Sundress, so yay! I'll also be tackling other projects, including ones from sew-alongs I started and never finished. Two of these patterns were part of the Colette Spring Challenge so that's a 2-for-1 deal right there!
Anyone else doing this challenge? Or some other one?! Have a great weekend!
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