
Showing posts from January, 2012

De-peared: Sewaholic Renfrew Tops Galore

Helloooooooo! This is my first post coming to you live from New York. It's good to be back in the city, but it's been a busy few weeks! I'm battling a cold right now, but I wanted to take the time to share 3 tops I made in December; they were all made using the brand new Renfrew pattern from Sewaholic Patterns ! I was lucky enough to be selected as a pattern tester for this top and I wanted to end 2011 with a bang by sewing up all 3 versions. Even though this pattern company caters to pear-shaped women, note that this pattern is very easy to alter for non-pear shapes, like me. As with other Sewaholic patterns , the instructions and diagrams are great. And the pattern pieces were stellar as well, it's so nice when markings match up! Okay, so let's have a look, shall we? This one's too tight   First up, view A: the v-neck top with short sleeves. I made a size 4 at the bust/waist and size 0 at the hip. I'm actually one size smaller than the chart's size 0,...

Thinglink'ed Oona to the Rescue!

Looky here! Thanks to oonaballoona's thinglink (new favorite word) fun fest, I was finally able to figure out a way to create a gallery of my finished projects with a clickable link on each to their respective blog posts. Can't tell you how much I tried to use the minimal code knowledge I have to get this to work earlier in the year. My (slight?) OCD is happy that each photo is the same size hehe. Thanks, oona! There are 10 finished garments from 2011 and 2 pre-blog garments from 2010. Haven't even gotten 'round to photographing my 2009 day? I've put these mini-mes in a "Finished Projects" tab at the top of the blog, and will add as I go along. Woohoo! Hopefully all the links go to the right posts, haven't tried that yet. **I've got to say, I'm none too pleased with the tweed Beignet in the photograph below. The hem is the pits at the center front and some of the buttons aren't lined up properly with the buttonholes so the...

Giveaway Winner!

<p>The numbers generated by this widget come from RANDOM.ORG's true random number generator. </p> It's time to announce the giveaway winner! I'm happy to share that Regina of  Wylde Hills  has won these 4 patterns. I wish you the best as you get back into blogging this year, your placemat hat is too cool! I've emailed you for the details. This giveaway was such an intimate affair that I wish I could give something to each of you, but alas, everything is packed away at this point :( But I loved reading each of your favorite NYC places, keep 'em coming! Here's a round-up: 2 votes for the top of the Empire State Building 1 for Soho 1 for Harlem 1 for the Metropolitan Museum of Art 1 for the Chrysler Building (thanks ms. modiste for contributing even if not for the giveaway!) Good stuff, good stuff. I can't wait to feature these places just as soon as I have something sewn up for them. And as soon as I have a place to ...

I'm Movin' Up (and GIVEAWAY!)

Happy New Year, everyone! I've got big news -- I'm moving back to New York City in a little under a week, whoa nelly! New York and me go back generations in my family, and I'm super excited to be heading back that way. My sewing time is sadly going to be minimal, but I'm hoping to get some time in at the Sewing Studio in the Garment District while I transition. We'll see! My grandpa hemming window shades in Manhattan, late 1940s (I now own that Singer industrial machine, complete with lamp!) ...GIVEAWAY..! To celebrate the move (and my upcoming 1-year blogiversary that just snuck up on me), I'm hosting my first-ever giveaway! I'll be giving away these 4 patterns: 1. Knit party or summer dress from McCall's (6462) released for this spring. Runs multi-size from 4 thru 12. I have a copy of this pattern myself and can't wait to sew it up! 2. Loose-fitting blouse from McCall's (4106) in sizes 6-8-10, date 1989. My grandmother gave this to me and she ...